Backyard Beach

Not soon after I moved in to my home, I wanted to do, what I call at least, a major landscaping project. Not just anything, but something that really spoke to my nature. I decided to build a backyard beach after perusing the internet (Pinterest and lawn and garden sites mostly). Well, let me tell you, it was worth the sweat putting it in. Of course, other peoples sweat is good too if you can convince them to help - thanks to my sister we made quick work of it. Here's a look at the final product:


Since putting this in a year or so ago, I've learned a thing or two. First, don't underestimate the need to border the mounds. If you're not in a flat area, double your efforts. I've learned the hard way that erosion can be harsh when you're working around trees that are difficult to seal around. Tree roots are something you don't want to damage, which poses the most problems sealing back the mounds of granite and sand.

Speaking of the mounds, it was all constructed with crushed granite and a sprinkling of sand. Sand will generally need to be freshened up or spread around at the beginning of each season due to rain. However, the cost is pretty minimal, and it does look pretty neat most days. All in all, the project probably cost me around $200-$300 including plants and border materials. Granite can be purchased in bulk from local landscape supply companies for less than $40 ton, if I remember correctly.

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